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Operator To Google Filter Search Results

OPERATOR TO GOOGLE Filter Search Results

Operator Google membantu memfilter hasil pencarian untuk hasil yang lebih tertarget
To refine OPERATOR GOOGLE SEARCH RESULTS - As a blogger ... virtual world can be said to be almost second nature to our daily lives. Like the real world there are so many choices in cyberspace. It is unfortunate if a blogger the ability to track information using Google only limited ability layman.

Google itself is a giant in cyberspace with all systems octopus, ranging from a gmail email account , website youtube video , android, Google Chrome, and many other business sectors from Google. But of course the biggest and still the most functional is Google Search. Google search can help you find anything that is not protected in cyberspace.

Only you would know that there are trillions of information in cyberspace, while the first page of Google can only contain a maximum of 10 results. So you need to learn how to get the best results. So this time I will share how to find what kind of information you want from the virtual world using Google search operators.

What are the operators that we can use?
  1. Operator ", .., -, ~, |, OR, and *
  2. site: url
  3. allinanchor: and inanchor:
  4. allintext: and intext:
  5. allintitle: and intitle:
  6. allinurl: and inurl:
  7. cache:
  8. define:
  9. filetype:
  10. info:
  11. link:
  12. related:
Let us discuss them one by one ....

Google Search Operators ", .., -, ~, |, OR, and *

Google Operators Double Quote Marks "
This operator is used if you want to get results that really similar arrangement with the phrase you entered. If you do not use double quotes operator, then Google will serve the results where the key word is not organized but scattered.

Click the following examples and note the key words in bold in the search results:
With quotation marks: "Recipe Beef Rendang"
Without the quotes: Beef Rendang Recipe

This technique can be used to find your blog article is dicopas others ....

Google Operators Dot Double ..
This operator is used if you want to find the results in the form of range data. Suppose you want to search Google data about the war from 1800 to 1900, then type .... the war in 1800 .. 1900 (click link to see the results).

Google Alerts operator Less -
This operator is used if you want to eliminate a word or a few words from your search results. Suppose you're looking for a cure for kidney, then you will be inundated with traditional drug promotion page. If that's not what you are looking for then you have to get rid of the traditional word, herbs, and natural search results. To do that please type the kidney-traditional drug-herbal-natural

Google Alerts operator Equivalent ~
This operator is used if you want search results that are broad. Suppose you are looking for the tea warm, but also want to google search for words similar to the warm words, the type of tea ~ warm
You will notice that I also serve hot tea in the search results.

Google Operators * Star Signs 
Used as a carrier of free cards. You wonder what it means? Like this: if you type * Bank job opening. Google will then publish the results starting with the Bank, then inserted certain words or phrases, and ends with a job opening.
For example:
Bank Mandiri to open job
BNI Bank recently opened job
Bank BRI immediate job opening
Hopefully I am understood to mean ....

Google operators OR or | 
Google that one operator is used as filter search results for the keyword optional. For example, you type OR meatball patties, then the search results will show only pages containing meatballs or patties only. There will be no results that contain both in one page.

Google search operator site: URL

This operator is used if you want to display ALL PAGES of a particular site that are in the Google index. The page is protected by robots certainly will not be shown in the search results. Examples of its use is as the following example:
site: http://bindasseo.blogspot.com/

Google search operators and allinanchor inanchor

This operator is used if you want Google to restrict the results of a specific search based on anchor text toward the page. For example if you type allinanchor: learn seo free, then Google will display results that anchor text of the link to the page containing the wordlearning, seo, and free ....

That means you can track who is optimizing the keywords you're trying to master. This is one of the methods to identify your competitors.

Note: Use inanchor if only one word you are looking for, and use allinanchor for more than one word ....

Google search operator inurl and allinurl

This operator is used if you want to limit the search result on Google pages that contain those keywords in the URL. Unlike the site: inurl or allinurl function is not limited to a single domain. So any domain has a page with URL structure containing those keywords will be displayed.

For example, you type:
inurl: recipe (one word)

the search results can include:

Another example:
allinurl: rendang recipes (more than one word)

the search results can include:

Search Operators Google cache:

This operator is used if you want to see the view from a particular URL in Google cache.Try typing cache: http://bindasseo.blogspot.com/, then you will see this blog in the Google cache version. At the top of the display there is a bar that shows when Googlebot last visit to that page.

Google search operators define:

This operator is used if you want to look up the definition of a word. Google will display the pages of a virtual world that describes the query you entered. For example, you type in define: SEO, then Google will serve pages that explain the definition of SEO.

Search Google filetype operator:

If that is what you use to find search results that are limited in certain file types. Suppose you want to find an online business guide in PDF or DOC models, then you can type in online business filetype: pdf. You can also combine this function with the OR function described earlier, so you can type in online business filetype: pdf OR filetype: doc

Google Search Operators info:

You can use this service to get some information on a blog. Just type format info: url then the information on the URL will be displayed by Google. Example: if you type info: http://www.nyablak.com, then Google will serve the following result:
Google can show you the following information for this URL:
  • Show Google's cache contents to www.nyablak.com
  • Find sites that are similar to www.nyablak.com
  • Find a website that included a link to www.nyablak.com
  • Find web pages from the site www.nyablak.com
  • Find web pages in which there is "www.nyablak.com"

Google Search Operators link:

You can use this operator to observe some links to a web page. Obviously if you use the regular way then just a few seeds only link that will be displayed by the operator function.Everything that's because nutshell system from Google ....

Is there a way to view all backlinks someone other than operators use this link?

Yes of course there is a way that allows us to see ALL COLLECTIONS BACKLINK owned other bloggers who are in GOOGLE INDEX .... But from experience, I learned that some Indonesian bloggers entrusted not worth this kind of knowledge .... Because there are so many with mental beginner bloggers who want instant success [maybe to look great] .... This will be used to undermine other people's blogs. So sorry that I was not going to ....

It seems like that's all I'm going to search operators for in this article. Actually there are a few more but its function is not really important so it does not have to enter it here. Next, you can try to do a combination of several parameters alias combo is to assist you in searching ....


To do this we can use the function site: URL-inurl:-inurl term: term.
For example, you want to keep track of all the pages of his blog URL blogsaya.blogspot.com.

You simply type:
site: http://bindasseo.blogspot.com/

This turns out to make all the pages displayed, but you only want my article page. To solve this problem, then you should look for a hallmark of the page article on blogspot. It turns out all html pages with articles ending. So you can change the structure of a key word:
site: http://bindasseo.blogspot.com inurl: html

This will give you the results of all article pages and static pages, but you do not want the same page as the url commentar or mobile url. So we can add more filters to get rid of m = 0, m = 1, and ShowComment from our search results, as the following example:

site: http://bindasseo.blogspot.com inurl: html-inurl:-inurl m = 0: m = 1-inurl: ShowComment

So with this, we can get more specific results .... Ok, so first article google operators to refine your search results, please you try to do combos operators anywhere ..... hello blogger ^ _ ^


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